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RP Virtual



Saving you valuable time


Hi, welcome to my website. My name is Rosario Elena Perez. Before the pandemic, I worked as an Actor, a Live Events Director and Scriptwriter for more than 30 years. Unfortunately, this industry will be one of the last to get back on its feet, so I’ve had to make a drastic career move—find work online. 


I’m currently enrolled in the Filipino Virtual Assistance Academy and will soon get my certification for a Virtual Assistance Course. Before diving into this, my knowledge of the digital world was average, but I’ve always been curious, and I suppose like many people, had the thought, “I’d get to learning it someday.” Well, that day has come out of necessity and to my surprise, I’m actually enjoying myself.


I intend to continue taking courses in this academy with the goal to figure out where my inclinations lie, and then, possibly, specialize. Find myself a niche. Those are the goals right now. Add to that the need to keep my 83 year old mother, whom I live with, safe and healthy. 



Finished my Virtual Assistance Course (see certificate below) last October and currently in the process of obtaining a certificate in the In-depth SEO course. After the holidays I'd like to get into an apprenticeship program under the same company. 


SEO is a monster of a subject, and learning the ins and outs of this skill has been challenging. However, I believe I may have finally found a niche I'm truly interested in apart from video editing. 


In the meantime, the services I offer remain the same. Updates to follow. 


It's been a long year. May we all have a blessed Christmas.


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Rosario Elena Perez





Makati, Metro Manila



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